Friday, November 6, 2009

i accomplish somethings but not all stuff so next week I'm going to finish what i didn t do know I'm happy cuz I'm doing what I'm doing cuz I'm my self because theirs no more pushing me around welcome to my life do you ever feel like out os place you don't know know how is to be me to be Left out to be push around welcome my life are you sick of been Left behind you think i maybe happy but i'm not you don't know how is to be hurt to be kick wen your down

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

i will complete assignment for this week by putting assignment n not been doing stuff your not supposed to do. so this week we have to be in the right line or DETENTION but right know theirs a lot of thinks in my head. i just wish i could didn't have all this on my head n just cant forget hym but that not a excuses. but next time i come I'm going to do my best so i could not be thinking of this. I'm going to be a rock start for this week and forget about last year and hym.SORRY MRS. HINOJOSA